Indoor Air Quality Testing
Indoor Air Quality Assessments

GEC has been involved with a variety of projects over the past 20 years of consulting practice. We have been directly involved as a prime contractor, or served as support professional subcontract services to these projects. Our projects have been located throughout the Midwest, but primarily in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. GEC and its professional staff have proven to be a key partner in the overall success of our projects. Projects were conducted according to regulatory standards and guidelines, and our company has met all health and safety requirements, with no incidents reported for its professional staff and its subcontractors. Some examples of successful projects that were completed include the following:
- Successfully obtained numerous regulatory closure status with State of Illinois (IEPA), State of Wisconsin (WDNR) and State of Indiana (IDEM).
- Environmental investigations of abandoned industrial Brownfield sites, including soil, groundwater, and vapor gas migration evaluation. Worked closely with developers and construction companies to assist with redevelopment planning in coordination of the environmental remediation and implementation of engineering control measures.
- Prepare and implement soil management plans for projects involving building demolition, and redevelopment. Provide testing of surplus fill/soil wastes, water management, air monitoring, assist the team with appropriate recommendations and approach.
- Evaluation of building for asbestos, lead paint and environmental contaminant issues for obtaining demolition permits.
- Environmental site assessments of gasoline stations, dry cleaners, automotive repair, metal salvaging facilities, plating operations, manufacturing plants, bulk chemical storage and mixing plants, railroad and pipeline alignments.
- Due diligence of multi-residential, commercial and industrial properties for lenders, environmental attorneys, real estate brokers and developers.
- Underground storage tank investigations, removal and abandonment for multiple types of properties.
- Remediation of soils and groundwater, using variety of approaches that include excavation and backfilling, in-situ and ex-situ bioremediation, vapor and groundwater extraction, and treatment.
- Quality Control Assurance for construction projects that include capping of U.S. Steel solid waste management units (SWMU).
- Provide environmental testing and oversight for highway or roadway construction; fill/soil management and testing of environmentally impaired portions of the alignments.
- Provide services for evaluation, testing and reporting (Form 663), as it pertains to the Illinois Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD) regulatory guidelines.
- Provided environmental oversight and direction landfill groundwater monitoring systems. Performed quarterly groundwater monitoring of landfills, and industrial sites under voluntary regulatory cleanup programs.
- Develop PESA/PSI deliverables for evaluating and investigating highway and roadway alignments undergoing construction modification.
- Expert testimony for multiple solid waste landfill siting and expansion applications. Worked for several counties in State of Illinois.
Test Data